Pronunciation of “R” and “L” Sounds

The first page explains how to make the “r” and “l” sounds.

The second page provides vocabulary word examples and a dialogue.

Hebrews 12:1-2 is the Bible passage at the bottom of the page, containing many “r” and “l” sounds.

Illustrations by Tiziana Longo (Italy).


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The first page explains how to make the “r” and “l” sounds.

The second page provides vocabulary word examples and a dialogue.

Hebrews 12:1-2 is the Bible passage at the bottom of the page, containing many “r” and “l” sounds.

Illustrations by Tiziana Longo (Italy).


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Single Copy: $1, License to print 30 copies for classroom use: $2, License to print 100 copies for classroom use: $5


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